
A vortex warps you back in time, inside a goofy vehicle with no fuel, and hordes of dinosaurs are everywhere. But it's okay! You're not totally doomed. With just the ability to dive, you can build momentum by surfing the prehistoric landscape and bouncing off Dinosaurs.

At first, you're happy just to overcome a few hills. But play for five more minutes. You'll be launching through the air at crazy speeds, bouncing off three pterodactyls in a row, only to dive underneath a massive T-Rex; all with a single button. Each vehicle you unlock will change the game, and round-based challenges will encourage you to get massive air, chain bounces off dinosaurs, and stay airborne!

And yet, the core of the game shines the brightest. Nothing feels better than barely making it over a hill to earn another chance to build momentum, pull off crazy stunts, and shatter your high score. It's time to play some DinoMash!

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Everapp Studios and LabRat Games


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